
Medium: Acrylic

Artist Statement: Veil was a transition piece during a time in my life when I felt I was just beginning to lean into what I wanted my work to represent, which was healing. The figure lies in this void, their vision literally and metaphorically shielded by their perceptions. I like to think of these perceptions as the “blueprints” we are born and grow into and which are, for the most part, not within our control and control us. The figure here begins to see the veil which use to be invisible to them. They also begin to understand the world as a direct reflection and extension of themselves: it is foggy, abstracted, contaminated yet contains moments of color and light. Simply, they begin to see with eyes closed in the dark, veiled. Soon they will learn that here is the place they can break through preconceived notions and define their own story, unleashing their true power.



