One Kinetic Mind
This is an immersive, free standing mural displayed during a group exhibition and Artprize 2018 in Grand Rapids, MI
Year: 2018
Medium: 7 x 8 ft Acrylic, resin on wood panel. 90+ 1x1ft mirrors
Artist Statement: I invite you into One Kinetic Mind. Take off your shoes. Sit down, move about, stay awhile.
One Kinetic Mind is a place seperate from the exterior world that allows you to enter into a space of introspection. Subatomic and atomic elements are the driving force of this piece. Constantly comparing internal neurological universe to the external physical universe.
One Kinetic Mind is inspired by 17 years of wondering and battling my existence. How did I get here? What is here? Who am I? And most of all, Why do I exist? Like shattered through a mirror I kept looking down at myself and up at the universe. Where..? Am..? I..?. Each a question without an answer. It always seems there is tension between wanting to know and being okay with never knowing. And in both scenarios you find anger and peace. Both are a form of rebirth and living. As you enter One Kinetic Mind observe, wonder, respond, question and keep searching. Participate in the Now. Battle constantly between the atomic and subatomic elements yet strive to simply exist in this space. It’s a bit challenging at first to completely stop time and focus simply on where you are right now. Where do I fit? What is my purpose? Why?
Close your eyes and breath deep...
connect with nature, find yourself here, focused on everything inside and outside of you. The universe is here, it is moving and it is within you and me.
“Nothingness is really like the nothingness of space, which contains the whole universe. All the sun and the stars and mountains, and rivers, and good men and bad men, and the animals, and insects, and the whole bit. All are contained in void. So out of this void comes everything and you. What else could you be?”